Inviato 07 maggio 2014 - 03:47
Dai su raga, lo so che il banner più bello dell'UNIVERSO è nella vostra mente ma siete troppo timidi per dargli forma....
Avete un altro mese per provarci! 

< Cliccami!
Rin, ti amo... Grazie di esistere. ]
Julo dixit: "Errare è Admin, Perdonare è Utente, Perseverare è Banned."
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My systems:
Atari VCS 2600 Long Rainbow edition (1977)
Atari VCS 2600 Short Rainbow Edition (1978)
Emerson ARCADIA (1982)
Nintendo Entertainment System NES control deck
Nintendo Entertainment System NES - CASEL CLONE (universal with cartridge adapter)
Sega Master System II PLUS-
Sega Mega Drive-
Sega Mega Drive 2 - ASIAN VERSION (universal)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System SNES (PAL with universal adapter)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System SNES (NTSC with SUPER WILD CARD 32m)
3DO Goldstar Version (universal)
Sega Saturn (PAL, model 2, modded with universal modchip)
Sega Saturn White (JAP, model 2, modded with universal modchip)
Sony Playstation (modded with universal modchip)
Nintendo 64-
Sega Dreamcast (universal)
Sony Playstation 2 (modded with DMS2 modchip, 120Gb Hard Disk built in)
Microsoft Xbox (modded with Xecuter 2 modchip)
Nintendo Gamecube (modded with Viper GC modchip, case replaced)
Sony Playstation 3 (60GB Starter Pack)
Microsoft Xbox360 PRO (20gb)
Nintendo Wii (modded with Wiikey modchip)
Nintendo GameBoy-
Nintendo GameBoy Advance (modded with SUPERCARD MINISD)
Nintendo Virtual Boy-
Nintendo DS (modded with DSONE card)
Nintendo DS lite (USA, modded with DSONE card)
Nintendo DSi (modded with R4i card)
Nintendo 3DS Aqua Blue
Sony PSP (JAP, fat version, modded with custom firmware)
SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color (JAP)
Sega Game Gear (USA)
ATARI Lynx (ver 1.0)
iPhone 3GS-
NEC Turbografx16-
CBS ColecoVision
Bandai Playdia
Sony PSVita
Amiga CD32
Nec Turbografx 16
Nec PCEngine DUO
Nintendo WiiU
Bandai WonderSwan
Bandai WonderSwan Color
Bandai SwanCrystal