Divine Souls
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, lug 14 2010 01:11
98 risposte a questa discussione
Inviato 15 luglio 2010 - 08:43
ok ci sono
Vaffambagno mi ha crashato >_>
Ninte ora mi fa connession end...oggi ci rinuncio prima, mettermi a dare facciate contro il tritacane
Vaffambagno mi ha crashato >_>
Ninte ora mi fa connession end...oggi ci rinuncio prima, mettermi a dare facciate contro il tritacane
Messaggio modificato da Noctis, 15 luglio 2010 - 09:16
Sono tanti che vedono il cielo guardando il riflesso dell' acqua.
E' pi
E' pi
Inviato 16 luglio 2010 - 08:10
entro va.
aggiungete Viinom
aggiungete Viinom
Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
You Scored as XIII: Death
Death is probably the most well known Tarot card - and also the most misunderstood. Most Tarot novices would consider Death to be a bad card, especially given its connection with the number thirteen. In fact this card rarely indicates literal death.Without "death" there can be no change, only eventual stagnation. The "death" of the child allows for the "birth" of the adult. This change is not always easy. The appearance of Death in a Tarot reading can indicate pain and short term loss, however it also represents hope for a new future.

You Scored as XIII: Death
Death is probably the most well known Tarot card - and also the most misunderstood. Most Tarot novices would consider Death to be a bad card, especially given its connection with the number thirteen. In fact this card rarely indicates literal death.Without "death" there can be no change, only eventual stagnation. The "death" of the child allows for the "birth" of the adult. This change is not always easy. The appearance of Death in a Tarot reading can indicate pain and short term loss, however it also represents hope for a new future.

Social Links:
Death - MAX
Priestess - 7
Hierophant - 3
World - MAX
Chariot - 5
Tower - 8
Empress - MAX
Temperance - 6
Emperor - Undiscovered
Magician - MAX
Inviato 16 luglio 2010 - 09:06
forse perch
Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
You Scored as XIII: Death
Death is probably the most well known Tarot card - and also the most misunderstood. Most Tarot novices would consider Death to be a bad card, especially given its connection with the number thirteen. In fact this card rarely indicates literal death.Without "death" there can be no change, only eventual stagnation. The "death" of the child allows for the "birth" of the adult. This change is not always easy. The appearance of Death in a Tarot reading can indicate pain and short term loss, however it also represents hope for a new future.

You Scored as XIII: Death
Death is probably the most well known Tarot card - and also the most misunderstood. Most Tarot novices would consider Death to be a bad card, especially given its connection with the number thirteen. In fact this card rarely indicates literal death.Without "death" there can be no change, only eventual stagnation. The "death" of the child allows for the "birth" of the adult. This change is not always easy. The appearance of Death in a Tarot reading can indicate pain and short term loss, however it also represents hope for a new future.

Social Links:
Death - MAX
Priestess - 7
Hierophant - 3
World - MAX
Chariot - 5
Tower - 8
Empress - MAX
Temperance - 6
Emperor - Undiscovered
Magician - MAX
Inviato 16 luglio 2010 - 10:22
aggiungete anche me, sono Lysagh e sono sul channel 2,slasher
You Scored as VIII - Strength
Strength is not just physical strength, it also means emotional and spiritual strength. It is the Strength to do what you know is right in the face of opposition. Strength to defy convention and authority. Stength does not have to be used directly. It can be inner strength that supports one in the face of attacks on what they hold dear. The person of Strength remains true to their beliefs. In a Tarot reading, this card can indicate overcoming of obstacles and refusal to be beaten down. If badly aspected this card can indicate loss of faith, failure of Will.

You Scored as VIII - Strength
Strength is not just physical strength, it also means emotional and spiritual strength. It is the Strength to do what you know is right in the face of opposition. Strength to defy convention and authority. Stength does not have to be used directly. It can be inner strength that supports one in the face of attacks on what they hold dear. The person of Strength remains true to their beliefs. In a Tarot reading, this card can indicate overcoming of obstacles and refusal to be beaten down. If badly aspected this card can indicate loss of faith, failure of Will.

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