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completo our hero origins ste rpg maker vx ace indie IGMC 2014

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#1 Ste



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Inviato 30 giugno 2014 - 02:13



In a world where two races had been
always in conflict with each other,
the exact same legend is told for millennia.
The rocks have handed it down to the rivers,
the rivers have handed it down to the trees and
the trees have handed it down to the squirrels.
Every fifteen hundred years a terrible disaster
hits the world to sweep it away completely
and start over with a new life,
but the legend doesn't end here.
Every fifteen hundred years,
a valiant hero is chosen in the world
to try to stop the tragedy with all his strength.
mifll2.pngYou are the Ourhero!
You will save the world!
Our Hero! ORIGINS is an Hack 'n' Slash RPG developed with RpgMaker VX ACE in occasion of Indie Game Maker Contest! 2014.
For this game I would like to thank:
- Stefano Nesi, Dynamic Menu System and Tester;
- Nicola Nonnis, Translation Supervisor and Tester;
- Gianluca Podda, Main Tester;
For the script I would like to thank:
- Holy87, Galv, Daimonious Tail, Modern Algebra, Nicke, Yanfly;
For the music I would like to thank:
-, Kevin MacLeod, Joel Steudler, Enterbrain, Jason Farnham;
For some graphics I would like to thank:
- Celianna.

Our Hero!'s characters are made by Stefano Mercadante and are under Creative Commons License (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Our Hero! ORIGINS è il gioco che ho realizzato durante il mese di giugno e che partecipa all'Indie Game Maker Contest!
Il gioco è stato realizzato in lingua inglese, ma per la sua semplicità sono sicuro che non sarà un ostacolo tra voi e la fine del gioco ;)
Potete trovare la pagina del gioco al contest a questo link: http://contest.rpgma...98#.U7Anz7F0uAw
Spero che Our Hero! ORIGINS possa regalarvi un'appassionante e coinvolgente avventura e vi auguro buon divertimento! :)
Se il gioco ti piace, clicca un piccolo LIKE sulla pagina ufficiale del contest :3
Grazie in anticipo <3

Puoi trovare tutti i miei giochi su Ste's Project versione 4.0:

Anche taggato con completo, our, hero, origins, ste, rpg maker, vx ace, indie, IGMC, 2014

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