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Omosessuali e Transessuali - malati o normali?

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224 risposte a questa discussione

#41 *Coccinella*


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Inviato 29 giugno 2008 - 07:15

CITAZIONE (Master Gamma @ Jun 29 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CITAZIONE (Lind @ Jun 29 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Se a uno piace prenderlo "li"..beh, un p

La mia bimba ---> FujiFilm S1000 FD----> * I miei scatti in Flickr *


Le mitiche espressioni di Tank!!!


#42 Castigangnam



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Inviato 29 giugno 2008 - 07:19

Beh, veramente succede non di rado

Messaggio modificato da Castigo, 29 giugno 2008 - 10:00

#43 Peracool


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Inviato 29 giugno 2008 - 07:45

CITAZIONE (Lind @ Jun 29 2008, 02:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Se a uno piace prenderlo "li"..beh, un p

Sono preoccupatissimo anche io per lui..
Dark, credimi, io lo conosco da tanto, solo l'idea che sia uscito con amici e si stia facendo una vita sociale è semplicemente impossibile.
L'ipotesi più probabile è che gli sia fuso il pc.. e spero sia così :(

YouTube ~ Cyberscore ~ Backloggery




Now Playing:

icon_ds.gif : nintengirls.jpg

have you ever wondered if your mom did a blowjob before giving you the kiss of goodnight?

oooook.. a limousine that can fly, now i've seen everything
-really? have you ever seen a man eating his own head?
-so you haven't seen everything

it's not a lie, if you believe it

Soapko: Dunt hit little kids. They are too inocent.
Nekro Neko: Yeah, go for old ladies instead.  +10 for each one ;)

“I see no point in living if I can't be beautiful” – Howl

“Spread legs, not war.” – Tizio di un forum hentai

“odio freud e tutto il suo essere un grandissimo maniaco sessuale...adesso avrò il terrore di ogni mia ex che sta spulciando un fiore...*_*” – dax

21:43.19 SDFL34L3ka2 Ma pokemon bianco e nero 2
21:43.22 SDFL34L3ka2 Cioè ha senso?
21:43.47 ALAKTORN ma Pokémon è da una vita che non ha senso
21:43.51 ALAKTORN dalla prima generazione
21:44.02 SDFL34L3ka2 Sì ma la differenza tra i giochi vecchi e questo
21:44.07 SDFL34L3ka2 E' che non si chiamano blablabla DUE
21:44.19 ALAKTORN Pokémon Juventus
21:44.20 Tancry in effetti un po' mi ha stupito sto numero
21:44.20 Tancry DUE
21:44.26 ALAKTORN io ci avrei messo TRE
21:44.42 SDFL34L3ka2 Come i tuoi buchi che tapperemo con i nostri c***i
21:44.49 ALAKTORN :)))))))
21:44.51 ALAKTORN sai contare :))))))
21:44.53 ALAKTORN che bravo
21:44.59 ALAKTORN aspetta… cosa
21:45.03 SDFL34L3ka2 :)
21:45.14 Tancry =D

Scoring is more related to realistic warfare goals.
Versus has unmoralistic,cruel,and money wastings tactics.

I dislike inf spam Because it is unmoral.

It's only a game, dragonite.

Music = Life.

Wrong. Not all deaf people will suicide  :P

dumbass non-prb isn't a fact, that's an opinion.
Then why insulting me if I only give my opinion ? wow I thought that I was free to post what I think ! :o

If you're free to post your opinion, then he's free to insult your opinion.  That's how freedom of speech works; it goes both ways.

-parlando di questo video
[17:14] <%Joshu> when does the bukakke bit start.
[17:14] <+Sondow> ...
[17:14] <+The_T> 8 minutes in.
[17:15] <+Sondow> it's a 7:15 vid.
[17:15] <+Sondow> ...
[17:15] <%Joshu> Sondow: Turn your child protection off
[17:15] <%Joshu> OH MAN THAT'S A LOT OF SEMEN
[17:22] <+The_T> If you don't like Metroid Prime, you should forfeit your life immediately.
[17:22] <+Sondow> T you're not exactly the best at humor
[17:22] <+Sondow> kthx
[17:22] * +Sondow points up
[17:22] <+The_T> That's not what your mom said last night.
[17:22] <+Sondow> ...
[17:23] <+Sondow> you performed stand-up comedy at my house?
[17:25] <+Stefan> I find sonic shortcut jumps difficult but I do them becasue I enjoy it
[17:25] <+Stefan> I find metroid prime jumps for completiton unecessarily difficult
[17:25] <+Stefan> there's a clear difference
[17:25] <+The_T> Then wow, you must suck at jumping.
[17:31] <+The_T> No, I just feel I have no reason to defend one of the greatest games I've played ever.
[17:31] <+Stefan> it's overused, cliche, and not even funny
[17:31] <+The_T> So is your mom.
[05:33] <Judgement> soposidly my elementry school was haunted
[05:33] <Judgement> Cant spell soposidly
[05:33] <Judgement> >_>
[05:34] <+Taillow> Clearly
[05:34] <+The_T> Hmm? You spelled soposidly fine, it's supposedly you're having trouble with.
[05:34] <+Taillow> That's not even funny
[18:00] <Da1> I need affection damnit! :(
[18:01] <@Zephyr> find it elsewhere
[18:01] <%Thorn> I can recommend a good psychologist maybe?
<@Gilbster> just wish i knew whether or not there was any reason why cs has it up currently as ntsc only
[19:41] <Alaktorn> lol
[19:41] <Alaktorn> because they iddn't know
[19:41] <Alaktorn> if there were differences
[19:42] <Alaktorn> so they just put NTSC
[19:42] <Alaktorn> dunno if they found out the differences yet though
[19:42] <Alaktorn> or if there are any
[19:42] <@Gilbster> means i dare not submit until someone confirms if there are differences as id be setting a bad example
[19:42] <Alaktorn> yeah
[19:42] <Lezus> do it anyway
[19:43] <Lezus> and blame it on religion
[19:43] <Lezus> it seems to be how the world works
[13:54] <@alexp_zzz> stop trying to trick us. it's michelle magmaterrain (hot!) and nicola pussy-cat (cute!)
[19:28] <mjf314> i told the girls if they got sub-1:44 mr they could have sex with me
[19:28] <mjf314> but they couldn't
[19:28] <mjf314> i don't have sex with n00bs
[13:20] <mjf314> ok, i love you
02:38.25    Honko    my postman is a drug dealer
02:38.32    Honko    he doesnt know though

#44 Lauchan


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Inviato 29 giugno 2008 - 08:05

CITAZIONE (Castigo @ Jun 29 2008, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Beh, veramente succede non di rado



#45 *Coccinella*


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Inviato 29 giugno 2008 - 09:40

Certo, i tg raccontano di quando si scannano (a dire il vero ne ho sentita solo una di ueste notizie..) non raccontano certo 'madre scopre che la figlia

La mia bimba ---> FujiFilm S1000 FD----> * I miei scatti in Flickr *


Le mitiche espressioni di Tank!!!


#46 Castigangnam



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Inviato 29 giugno 2008 - 09:52

Si, ok, ma il punto in realt

#47 Lauchan


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Inviato 30 giugno 2008 - 08:15

CITAZIONE (*Coccinella* @ Jun 29 2008, 11:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Certo, i tg raccontano di quando si scannano (a dire il vero ne ho sentita solo una di ueste notizie..) non raccontano certo 'madre scopre che la figlia



#48 *Coccinella*


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Inviato 30 giugno 2008 - 10:22

Beh Lauchan io ho presente i problemi familiari dei gay e delle lesbiche che conosco e non si sono mai 'scannati'.. le cose cos

La mia bimba ---> FujiFilm S1000 FD----> * I miei scatti in Flickr *


Le mitiche espressioni di Tank!!!


#49 Lauchan


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Inviato 30 giugno 2008 - 02:55

CITAZIONE (*Coccinella* @ Jun 30 2008, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Beh Lauchan io ho presente i problemi familiari dei gay e delle lesbiche che conosco e non si sono mai 'scannati'.. le cose cos



#50 Master Gamma

Master Gamma

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Inviato 30 giugno 2008 - 07:35

CITAZIONE (*Coccinella* @ Jun 29 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CITAZIONE (Master Gamma @ Jun 29 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CITAZIONE (Lind @ Jun 29 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Se a uno piace prenderlo "li"..beh, un p
Robinnn supiiiiin!!!
Ikuze! Burogusutashon!!!

#51 Lauchan


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Inviato 01 luglio 2008 - 07:16

CITAZIONE (Master Gamma @ Jun 30 2008, 09:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CITAZIONE (*Coccinella* @ Jun 29 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CITAZIONE (Master Gamma @ Jun 29 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CITAZIONE (Lind @ Jun 29 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Se a uno piace prenderlo "li"..beh, un p



#52 NeoEgo


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Inviato 03 luglio 2008 - 05:38

mah secondo me sono malati coloro che danno dei malati ai omosessuali e co.
chi siamo noi per giudicare?
a me piace stare con le donne a te con gli uomini... qual'


Tutto il resto

#53 Donrivaldo



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Inviato 05 luglio 2008 - 12:09

#54 Pyros


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Inviato 06 luglio 2008 - 12:19

#55 Peracool


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Inviato 06 luglio 2008 - 12:40

CITAZIONE (PyrosHellraven @ Jul 6 2008, 02:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Sono preoccupatissimo anche io per lui..
Dark, credimi, io lo conosco da tanto, solo l'idea che sia uscito con amici e si stia facendo una vita sociale è semplicemente impossibile.
L'ipotesi più probabile è che gli sia fuso il pc.. e spero sia così :(

YouTube ~ Cyberscore ~ Backloggery




Now Playing:

icon_ds.gif : nintengirls.jpg

have you ever wondered if your mom did a blowjob before giving you the kiss of goodnight?

oooook.. a limousine that can fly, now i've seen everything
-really? have you ever seen a man eating his own head?
-so you haven't seen everything

it's not a lie, if you believe it

Soapko: Dunt hit little kids. They are too inocent.
Nekro Neko: Yeah, go for old ladies instead.  +10 for each one ;)

“I see no point in living if I can't be beautiful” – Howl

“Spread legs, not war.” – Tizio di un forum hentai

“odio freud e tutto il suo essere un grandissimo maniaco sessuale...adesso avrò il terrore di ogni mia ex che sta spulciando un fiore...*_*” – dax

21:43.19 SDFL34L3ka2 Ma pokemon bianco e nero 2
21:43.22 SDFL34L3ka2 Cioè ha senso?
21:43.47 ALAKTORN ma Pokémon è da una vita che non ha senso
21:43.51 ALAKTORN dalla prima generazione
21:44.02 SDFL34L3ka2 Sì ma la differenza tra i giochi vecchi e questo
21:44.07 SDFL34L3ka2 E' che non si chiamano blablabla DUE
21:44.19 ALAKTORN Pokémon Juventus
21:44.20 Tancry in effetti un po' mi ha stupito sto numero
21:44.20 Tancry DUE
21:44.26 ALAKTORN io ci avrei messo TRE
21:44.42 SDFL34L3ka2 Come i tuoi buchi che tapperemo con i nostri c***i
21:44.49 ALAKTORN :)))))))
21:44.51 ALAKTORN sai contare :))))))
21:44.53 ALAKTORN che bravo
21:44.59 ALAKTORN aspetta… cosa
21:45.03 SDFL34L3ka2 :)
21:45.14 Tancry =D

Scoring is more related to realistic warfare goals.
Versus has unmoralistic,cruel,and money wastings tactics.

I dislike inf spam Because it is unmoral.

It's only a game, dragonite.

Music = Life.

Wrong. Not all deaf people will suicide  :P

dumbass non-prb isn't a fact, that's an opinion.
Then why insulting me if I only give my opinion ? wow I thought that I was free to post what I think ! :o

If you're free to post your opinion, then he's free to insult your opinion.  That's how freedom of speech works; it goes both ways.

-parlando di questo video
[17:14] <%Joshu> when does the bukakke bit start.
[17:14] <+Sondow> ...
[17:14] <+The_T> 8 minutes in.
[17:15] <+Sondow> it's a 7:15 vid.
[17:15] <+Sondow> ...
[17:15] <%Joshu> Sondow: Turn your child protection off
[17:15] <%Joshu> OH MAN THAT'S A LOT OF SEMEN
[17:22] <+The_T> If you don't like Metroid Prime, you should forfeit your life immediately.
[17:22] <+Sondow> T you're not exactly the best at humor
[17:22] <+Sondow> kthx
[17:22] * +Sondow points up
[17:22] <+The_T> That's not what your mom said last night.
[17:22] <+Sondow> ...
[17:23] <+Sondow> you performed stand-up comedy at my house?
[17:25] <+Stefan> I find sonic shortcut jumps difficult but I do them becasue I enjoy it
[17:25] <+Stefan> I find metroid prime jumps for completiton unecessarily difficult
[17:25] <+Stefan> there's a clear difference
[17:25] <+The_T> Then wow, you must suck at jumping.
[17:31] <+The_T> No, I just feel I have no reason to defend one of the greatest games I've played ever.
[17:31] <+Stefan> it's overused, cliche, and not even funny
[17:31] <+The_T> So is your mom.
[05:33] <Judgement> soposidly my elementry school was haunted
[05:33] <Judgement> Cant spell soposidly
[05:33] <Judgement> >_>
[05:34] <+Taillow> Clearly
[05:34] <+The_T> Hmm? You spelled soposidly fine, it's supposedly you're having trouble with.
[05:34] <+Taillow> That's not even funny
[18:00] <Da1> I need affection damnit! :(
[18:01] <@Zephyr> find it elsewhere
[18:01] <%Thorn> I can recommend a good psychologist maybe?
<@Gilbster> just wish i knew whether or not there was any reason why cs has it up currently as ntsc only
[19:41] <Alaktorn> lol
[19:41] <Alaktorn> because they iddn't know
[19:41] <Alaktorn> if there were differences
[19:42] <Alaktorn> so they just put NTSC
[19:42] <Alaktorn> dunno if they found out the differences yet though
[19:42] <Alaktorn> or if there are any
[19:42] <@Gilbster> means i dare not submit until someone confirms if there are differences as id be setting a bad example
[19:42] <Alaktorn> yeah
[19:42] <Lezus> do it anyway
[19:43] <Lezus> and blame it on religion
[19:43] <Lezus> it seems to be how the world works
[13:54] <@alexp_zzz> stop trying to trick us. it's michelle magmaterrain (hot!) and nicola pussy-cat (cute!)
[19:28] <mjf314> i told the girls if they got sub-1:44 mr they could have sex with me
[19:28] <mjf314> but they couldn't
[19:28] <mjf314> i don't have sex with n00bs
[13:20] <mjf314> ok, i love you
02:38.25    Honko    my postman is a drug dealer
02:38.32    Honko    he doesnt know though

#56 Pyros


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Inviato 06 luglio 2008 - 11:17

Questa s

#57 Krè


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Inviato 06 luglio 2008 - 11:42

pyros ma dove vivi xD? ci sono tantessime donne che si sono fatte mettere il pisello e ormoni da uomo pe far crescere barba e peli
Usa, l'uomo incinto ha dato alla luce una bambina

Lui dopo nove mesi, come succede a ogni donna che porta a termine una gravidanza, ha partorito. E domenica 29 giugno nell'ospedale di Bend, in Oregon


#58 Skull



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Inviato 06 luglio 2008 - 12:45

CITAZIONE (Master Gamma @ Jun 29 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CITAZIONE (Lind @ Jun 29 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Se a uno piace prenderlo "li"..beh, un p

Messaggio modificato da Lind, 06 luglio 2008 - 12:46

#59 Pyros


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Inviato 06 luglio 2008 - 01:59

#60 Peracool


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Inviato 06 luglio 2008 - 03:50


Sono preoccupatissimo anche io per lui..
Dark, credimi, io lo conosco da tanto, solo l'idea che sia uscito con amici e si stia facendo una vita sociale è semplicemente impossibile.
L'ipotesi più probabile è che gli sia fuso il pc.. e spero sia così :(

YouTube ~ Cyberscore ~ Backloggery




Now Playing:

icon_ds.gif : nintengirls.jpg

have you ever wondered if your mom did a blowjob before giving you the kiss of goodnight?

oooook.. a limousine that can fly, now i've seen everything
-really? have you ever seen a man eating his own head?
-so you haven't seen everything

it's not a lie, if you believe it

Soapko: Dunt hit little kids. They are too inocent.
Nekro Neko: Yeah, go for old ladies instead.  +10 for each one ;)

“I see no point in living if I can't be beautiful” – Howl

“Spread legs, not war.” – Tizio di un forum hentai

“odio freud e tutto il suo essere un grandissimo maniaco sessuale...adesso avrò il terrore di ogni mia ex che sta spulciando un fiore...*_*” – dax

21:43.19 SDFL34L3ka2 Ma pokemon bianco e nero 2
21:43.22 SDFL34L3ka2 Cioè ha senso?
21:43.47 ALAKTORN ma Pokémon è da una vita che non ha senso
21:43.51 ALAKTORN dalla prima generazione
21:44.02 SDFL34L3ka2 Sì ma la differenza tra i giochi vecchi e questo
21:44.07 SDFL34L3ka2 E' che non si chiamano blablabla DUE
21:44.19 ALAKTORN Pokémon Juventus
21:44.20 Tancry in effetti un po' mi ha stupito sto numero
21:44.20 Tancry DUE
21:44.26 ALAKTORN io ci avrei messo TRE
21:44.42 SDFL34L3ka2 Come i tuoi buchi che tapperemo con i nostri c***i
21:44.49 ALAKTORN :)))))))
21:44.51 ALAKTORN sai contare :))))))
21:44.53 ALAKTORN che bravo
21:44.59 ALAKTORN aspetta… cosa
21:45.03 SDFL34L3ka2 :)
21:45.14 Tancry =D

Scoring is more related to realistic warfare goals.
Versus has unmoralistic,cruel,and money wastings tactics.

I dislike inf spam Because it is unmoral.

It's only a game, dragonite.

Music = Life.

Wrong. Not all deaf people will suicide  :P

dumbass non-prb isn't a fact, that's an opinion.
Then why insulting me if I only give my opinion ? wow I thought that I was free to post what I think ! :o

If you're free to post your opinion, then he's free to insult your opinion.  That's how freedom of speech works; it goes both ways.

-parlando di questo video
[17:14] <%Joshu> when does the bukakke bit start.
[17:14] <+Sondow> ...
[17:14] <+The_T> 8 minutes in.
[17:15] <+Sondow> it's a 7:15 vid.
[17:15] <+Sondow> ...
[17:15] <%Joshu> Sondow: Turn your child protection off
[17:15] <%Joshu> OH MAN THAT'S A LOT OF SEMEN
[17:22] <+The_T> If you don't like Metroid Prime, you should forfeit your life immediately.
[17:22] <+Sondow> T you're not exactly the best at humor
[17:22] <+Sondow> kthx
[17:22] * +Sondow points up
[17:22] <+The_T> That's not what your mom said last night.
[17:22] <+Sondow> ...
[17:23] <+Sondow> you performed stand-up comedy at my house?
[17:25] <+Stefan> I find sonic shortcut jumps difficult but I do them becasue I enjoy it
[17:25] <+Stefan> I find metroid prime jumps for completiton unecessarily difficult
[17:25] <+Stefan> there's a clear difference
[17:25] <+The_T> Then wow, you must suck at jumping.
[17:31] <+The_T> No, I just feel I have no reason to defend one of the greatest games I've played ever.
[17:31] <+Stefan> it's overused, cliche, and not even funny
[17:31] <+The_T> So is your mom.
[05:33] <Judgement> soposidly my elementry school was haunted
[05:33] <Judgement> Cant spell soposidly
[05:33] <Judgement> >_>
[05:34] <+Taillow> Clearly
[05:34] <+The_T> Hmm? You spelled soposidly fine, it's supposedly you're having trouble with.
[05:34] <+Taillow> That's not even funny
[18:00] <Da1> I need affection damnit! :(
[18:01] <@Zephyr> find it elsewhere
[18:01] <%Thorn> I can recommend a good psychologist maybe?
<@Gilbster> just wish i knew whether or not there was any reason why cs has it up currently as ntsc only
[19:41] <Alaktorn> lol
[19:41] <Alaktorn> because they iddn't know
[19:41] <Alaktorn> if there were differences
[19:42] <Alaktorn> so they just put NTSC
[19:42] <Alaktorn> dunno if they found out the differences yet though
[19:42] <Alaktorn> or if there are any
[19:42] <@Gilbster> means i dare not submit until someone confirms if there are differences as id be setting a bad example
[19:42] <Alaktorn> yeah
[19:42] <Lezus> do it anyway
[19:43] <Lezus> and blame it on religion
[19:43] <Lezus> it seems to be how the world works
[13:54] <@alexp_zzz> stop trying to trick us. it's michelle magmaterrain (hot!) and nicola pussy-cat (cute!)
[19:28] <mjf314> i told the girls if they got sub-1:44 mr they could have sex with me
[19:28] <mjf314> but they couldn't
[19:28] <mjf314> i don't have sex with n00bs
[13:20] <mjf314> ok, i love you
02:38.25    Honko    my postman is a drug dealer
02:38.32    Honko    he doesnt know though

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