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1 risposta a questa discussione

#1 Sapph7ron


    Araldo delle Tenebre

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Inviato 03 maggio 2008 - 04:33

Dopo il successo di "Io sono leggenda" ecco il prossimo film che uscir

#2 Orgrim


    Demone Sanguinario

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Inviato 03 maggio 2008 - 06:33

il bambino del trailer
"There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle."
"That's some catch, that catch-22," he observed.
"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.

"si pu

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